Application of Blockchain in Business

Application of Blockchain in Business

Application of Blockchain in Business
Application of Blockchain in Business by Dr Rayyan EshaghPour

Businesses need all-round security to function efficiently. Blockchain provides this security and more. It doesn’t leave room for mistakes or setbacks. With blockchain in businesses, recurring problems will be easier to trace and fix. And this, of course, will save businesses a lot of money and time.

The application of blockchain technology far exceeds cryptocurrency. Its implementation across different sectors can promote all-round honesty and transparency. 

In business, blockchain technology provides enterprises with top-notch security in their dealings. Essentially, it hastens business operations and helps to save a whole lot of time and resources. Here are 4 applications of blockchain in business. 

International Transactions

This is perhaps the most popular application of blockchain in recent times. It’s no surprise though, due to the major difficulties posed by regular payment methods. 

For one, traditional payment methods are susceptible to money laundering. They are also exhausting and way too expensive. It could take a lot of time and effort to transfer huge amounts of money to other parts of the world. Which could even damage your business relationships in some cases.

With Blockchain, however, it is easier to send and receive money from different parts of the world. The need for middlemen (banks) is also eliminated. This makes international payments faster and cheaper for both parties.

Smart Contract

As I explained in a previous article, blockchain uses a highly sophisticated system. This makes it very much impossible for hackers to hijack it. It uses a program called, “smart contracts.” 

According to Investopedia, smart contracts are “self-executing contract(s) with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.” 

A smart contract allows you to automatically verify and execute remote agreements securely. Hereby, making it easier for you to control all your business transactions. 

Assets Management

Production involves the use of various processes and components. These components are essential in the creation of the final product(s). And, they must be sourced from a complex chain of individual suppliers. 

For most managers, these processes can be tiring! But, here’s where blockchain technology comes to the rescue. It provides manufacturers with a decentralized network of suppliers. 

It then allows them to trace their goods and make payments easily. Operators will find it easier to manage their supplies this way— especially keeping up with delivery durations and due dates

Essentially, blockchain allows businesses to build trust. Its application allows for seamless relations over time. 

Data Management

Blockchain can be integrated into data management. Its decentralized nature allows businesses to store information securely. It also allows for the effortless retrieval and transfer of data without any fear. 

Encryption is a key feature of blockchain technology. This feature makes it possible for businesses to be protected against fraud. Blockchain application in businesses offers companies more secure alternatives to data storage. 

This considerably limits people’s access to them and prevents the reduplication of important business documents.

Blockchain applications in data management are also much cheaper. Businesses wouldn’t have to make huge payments now and then to save their data centers.

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is another important subject in business that cannot be downplayed. 

Blockchain provides businesses with security over all their business transactions. It gives businesses access to end-to-end encryption and eliminates every possibility of a leak. 


Businesses need all-round security to function efficiently. Blockchain provides this security and more. It doesn’t leave room for mistakes or setbacks. With blockchain in businesses, recurring problems will be easier to trace and fix. And this, of course, will save businesses a lot of money and time.